Bekzod Mamatkulov: BMB Trade Group will take an active part in the Referendum

Bekzod Mamatkulov: BMB Trade Group will take an active part in the Referendum

On the eve of the referendum on the draft Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a new edition on April 4 this year, a campaign event and concerts were held for residents of the city of Jizzakh.
Among the prominent and authoritative representatives of the public and entrepreneurship was the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BMB Trade Group Bekzod Mamatkulov.
As the founder of the company noted, in recent years, as part of the implementation of the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan, special attention was paid to creating a system of benefits and favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship.
Bekzod Mamatkulov emphasized that the BMB Agro Trade food cluster in Arnasay district, the saffron cluster in Bakhmal district, as well as the BMB BMB Agroklaster fruit and vegetable cluster in 4 districts of Jizzakh region, created over the years, are a natural result of the gradual improvement of the business and investment climate.
In total, since the establishment of the company in April 2017, 28 enterprises of various profiles have been opened in its structure in the Jizzakh region, about 5,000 permanent and 70,000 seasonal jobs have been created.
According to Bekzod Mamatkulov, for the first time norms and provisions are introduced into the Constitution that guarantee the rights and freedoms of entrepreneurship. In particular, Article 67 stipulates that the state provides a favorable business and investment climate and will undoubtedly contribute to further dynamic economic growth.
At the end of his speech, which caused wide support and approval of the participants of the campaign event in Jizzakh, Bekzod Mamatkulov called on everyone to take an active part in the Referendum, which will be held on April 30 this year.
It should be emphasized that BMB Trade Group, which celebrated its sixth anniversary on April 4 this year, became the first private company to join the #befarqemasman campaign flash mob organized on Facebook by posting the hashtag of the same name in profiles.

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