Including June 12 this year. Representatives of BMB Trade Group Bobur Mavlonov, director of the agricultural sector, and Jahongir Zhabborkulov, director of BMB AGROKLASTER are in Kyoto, Japan, to study modern greenhouses based on Japanese technologies in the agricultural sector, and establish future cooperation.
During the visit, they got acquainted with the greenhouse of winter radish and squash-eggplant farm in Kyota.
Also, in the direction of crop breeding, adverse factors of nature, the creation of high-yielding varieties resistant to various diseases and pests, the improvement of land reclamation, the introduction of resource-saving technologies in the future were discussed.
At the end of the event, the parties discussed issues that should be resolved in the future in the field of agriculture.
We believe that relations with Japan, which is one of the strongest economies in the world, will undoubtedly contribute to the development of the country.