The BMB-Agroclaster enterprise contributes to ensuring food safety

The BMB-Agroclaster enterprise contributes to ensuring food safety
Today, consistent economic reforms in the field of agriculture are one of the most urgent issues, to satisfy the population's demand for quality food products and to fundamentally improve this process and make it equal to world standards.

In order to find a solution to these urgent tasks, fruit and vegetable cluster of BMB AGROKLASTER in Arnasoy, Bakhmal, Gallaorol and Sh.Rashidov districts of Jizzakh region encourages the creation of an added value chain in the field of fruit and vegetable production, production of high-quality and competitive fruit and vegetable products, ensuring export stability, providing services , is implementing a project to ensure mutual integration of processing, storage and sales (export) processes, as well as increase production competitiveness.

In order to increase the yield of agricultural products produced by the fruit and vegetable cluster on a cooperative basis, to meet the demands of the domestic and foreign markets with high-quality products, comprehensive cooperation has been established with a number of scientific research institutes and business entities operating in this field. This, in turn, creates the basis for a several-fold increase in the yield of agricultural products.

This year, the fruit and vegetable cluster, in cooperation with the farms of the above-mentioned districts, took care of the crops of potatoes (morning and evening), carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, garlic, onions, sweet potatoes, sunflowers, mung beans, chickpeas, beans, and peanuts. it is export-oriented and has made the production of ready-made products based on the principle of “from the field to the farm” a priority.

Today, the agrotechnology of the agricultural products planted by the farmers is fully controlled by experienced agronomists and entomologists of the fruit-vegetable cluster.

Today, when the issue of food safety and providing the population with quality agricultural products is gaining global importance, the promising project implemented by the fruit and vegetable cluster effectively using the available opportunities and resources is to fully satisfy the needs of our people for fruit and vegetable and dairy products and through this network it will undoubtedly serve to increase the export potential of our country.

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