BMB Trade Group continues to cooperate with prestigious universities in order to attract young, talented and high-potential personnel.

BMB Trade Group continues to cooperate with prestigious universities in order to attract young, talented and high-potential personnel.
We all know that almost 70% of the employees working in our company are young people. In order to attract young, talented, creative and responsible youth to the system, permanent cooperation with state universities has been established.

As a proof of our word, the representatives of our company participated in the awarding ceremony of the graduates held today at the Tashkent State University of Economics and wished the students good luck in their future activities.

At the end of the event, the son of one of the most talented management students, Melibayev Mashkhurbek Komiljon, was presented with the product BMB Zafaron, which is considered a national brand.

We thank Tashkent State University of Economics for cooperation and offer.

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