In the Action Strategy for five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2025, adopted at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, and in the State programs adopted in accordance with it, the construction sector as a locomotive of the economy in the further rapid development of the country’s economy, in particular, new buildings and structures, new production facilities and special attention was paid to private entrepreneurship, railways and roads, and the construction of residential buildings.
Accordingly, in 2018, the construction company Jizzax Hi-Tech Group was established on the basis of the BMB Trade Group, based on the unified administrative construction regulation related to the construction industry. To date, the organization is contracting for several major projects, including:
– Construction of a modern agrologistic complex with a total cost of 57.7 million US dollars on the territory of the Sharaf industrial zone of the Rashidov district of the Jizzakh region on the basis of the Uzbek-Russian joint project, the customer is the Uzbek-Russian joint venture BMB-NRC Agrologistics, the Termocool company of the Russian Federation, a construction company Jizzakh High-Tech Group, is the general contractor and carries out construction work as a subcontractor. At the moment, the bank, kitchen, customs, toilet and modular buildings have been brought to a state of readiness, fine finishing work is underway.
– By order of the food cluster “BMB Agro Trade” in the Arnasoy district, work was completed on the construction of a special complex for the processing of legumes and livestock with a total area of 2.0 hectares and the facility was put into operation.
– -Scheduled work has been carried out on the reconstruction of the 1st stage of the BMB Za’faron hotel and restaurant, built in the city of Jizzakh and restored in a unique design. Currently, a modern restaurant is fully commissioned, part of the hotel is working. According to the work plan for complete reconstruction, the 2nd stage of construction is being carried out in all buildings of the hotel.
– In the Yakkasaray district of Tashkent, the construction of a modern six-story head office of the BMB Trade Group and the BMB Zafaron Hotel & Restaurant chain is in full swing. To date, the construction and finishing works of the six-story head office of the company and the buildings of the hotel and restaurant chain have been completed.
– Also, on the basis of BMB LOGISTIC, the construction company organizes deep processing of products grown by clusters of BMB Trade Group in Sh. Rashidov district of Jizzakh region, sorting, packaging and export to foreign markets, the total cost of the two stages is 27.17 million US dollars. Today, the construction of the production building and the construction of engineering and communication infrastructure are being carried out at a high pace. It is planned to complete the construction and installation work of the equipment in the 3rd quarter of this year.
– One of the most important tasks ahead for the construction company is the construction of a business center of the BMB Trade Group in Jizzakh on the basis of a modern construction and installation project.
As a result, the construction company Jizzax High-Tech Group today contributes to the construction industry of our country, among other sectors of the national economy, as part of the main fund-forming part of the economy.