Within the framework of this international week, conferences were organized on democratic reforms in New Uzbekistan, their essence, achievements and shortcomings, immediate urgent tasks, priority tasks of the foreign and domestic policy of the state.
In particular, an international conference on the topic “Investment attractiveness of New Uzbekistan, ongoing work to attract foreign investment” was held today at the Event Hall in Tashkent. The event was attended by Bekzod Mamatkulov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BMB Trade Group, Roberto Tucci, President of the Italian partner HT Holding and Massimo Buscemi, President of Energy System.
More than 50 business communities, ministries and departments, as well as heads of Saudi ACWA Power, Masdar from the UAE, Chinese CEEC Energy, French EDF and a number of other companies made presentations.
In turn, the president of HT Holding Roberto Tucci, during his speech, discussed the achievements achieved as a result of the implementation of the project for the cultivation, processing and export of saffron in cooperation with the BMB Trade Group, as well as the investment environment of Uzbekistan, reforms carried out by the government, attraction foreign investment. As a result of the created conditions for further expansion of cooperation was discussed through the implementation of a project for the production of electricity through waste processing in the Tashkent region, the total cost of which is 220 million euros.
The participants of the conference had the opportunity to communicate on topical issues, exchange ideas and experiences, as well as get acquainted with the work carried out in Uzbekistan among foreign representatives of the government and business.