The construction site of the modern agro-logistic complex BMB-NRC AGROLOGISTICS is at the final stage of work

The construction site of the modern agro-logistic complex BMB-NRC AGROLOGISTICS is at the final stage of work
Today, agricultural products grown on the land of Uzbekistan occupies a worthy place in the world markets.

It is known that in such processes, one of the most important aspects is the delivery of products to their destination in a short time, their correct storage in terms of quality, and the creation of wide opportunities for an entrepreneur engaged in export practice.

In order to implement these important tasks, the Uzbekistan-Russia JV BMB-NRC Agrologistics in the Sharof-Rashidov district of the Jizzakh region is implementing a joint investment project “Modern agrologistic complex” with a total cost of 57.7 million US dollars.

The agro-logistic complex, being built on 40 hectares of land in Sharof Rashidovsky district, is being implemented as a 3-stage module. The annual capacity of sorting, processing and packaging of agricultural products at the full capacity of each line is 270,000 tons, and with the full operation of all stages in 10,000 refrigerators, it allows exporting 810,000 tons of agricultural products through sorting, storage and processing.

One of the unique aspects of the complex being created is the provision of customs, banking, logistics, fast-laboratory, phytosanitary, veterinary, sanitary-epidemiological, environmental certifications and other services on a one-stop basis. Also, the difference between the complex and other logistics centers is that the certificate and other documents required by the Rosselkhoznadzor organization for exporting fruits and vegetables grown in our country to the Russian Federation are provided directly in the complex itself.

To date, the Agrological Complex has reached agreements on cooperation with the international online trading platform, Russian companies RUSFAIR and RGCA, as well as a number of other companies.

The launch of this project, which is expected by October 1 this year, will serve to increase convenience to a new level for entrepreneurs engaged in export-import operations.

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