By order of the General Director of BMB Holding dated October 4, 2023, Alikhanov Bobir Botirovich was appointed the Head of the Information Service and Media Department

By order of the General Director of BMB Holding dated October 4, 2023, Alikhanov Bobir Botirovich was appointed the Head of the Information Service and Media Department

This structural unit of the Company is responsible for displaying the place and role of the Holding in the comprehensive reforms carried out in New Uzbekistan, strengthening connections with the people and public relations, creating an environment for disseminating objective information in society, improving the international image of the Company and business cooperation of our country, national funds mass media and social networks, which is tasked with expanding the volume of quality materials, as well as introducing media convergence processes that are effectively used in global experience.

For reference: Alikhanov Bobir Botirovich is a journalist, known as an experienced specialist with extensive practical and scientific-pedagogical experience, a media manager who has worked effectively in creative and leadership positions in Uzbek television for many years.

Over the past 10 years, he founded, created and successfully implemented large media projects: the Uzreport TV channel, the International Press Club, the Uzbekistan 24 television and radio channel, media centers at the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Ministry of Justice.

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