Projects in the future perspective

Waste recycling project

The BMB HOLDING plans to implement a joint investment project with Italian partners to manage municipal solid waste through the full cycle: from collection to waste-free energy production. This project, the introduction of modern technologies and direct investment from Italy, the processing of waste into products necessary for the national economy, will serve to increase the economic potential of the country.

Vegetable oil production

The BMB HOLDING company signed an investment agreement on organizing the production of sunflower oil between the Hungarian companies Kiss Group. The annual capacity of the project, which is planned to be implemented with Hungarian partners, is designed to process 200 thousand tons of sunflower. The total cost of the project is more than 90 million euros. Thus, 52 million euros is foreign direct investment.

In turn, margarine production will be launched in the future. The implementation of this project will allow farms operating in our republic to effectively use land, increase the amount of nutritious feed for livestock farms and increase the production of vegetable oil, as well as create new permanent and seasonal jobs.